
Pacific Shorebirds (#191)
Short name: Pacific Shorebirds
Short description: Tracking study to follow shorebirds during migration on the Pacific flyway.
Description: Tracking study to follow birds during migration on the Pacific flyway. Collaboration between Environment and Climate Change Canada, Parks Canada, Raincoast Education Society, and Bird Studies Canada. Focal species include Western Sandpiper, Dunlin, Semipalmated Plover, and Sanderling.
The study aims to determine stopover duration and intertidal habitat use (ocean-front beach versus inner lagoon mudflats) in four species of shorebirds (western sandpiper, sanderling, dunlin and semipalmated plover) that annually migrate along the west coast of Vancouver Island at a regionally important shorebird site: Long Beach Unit of Pacific Rim National Park Reserve and Tofino Wah-nah-jus Hilth-hoo-is Mudflats. To obtain the data, required to estimate stopover duration and determine relative habitat use, samples of migrating shorebirds will be captured, fitted with coded VHF radio tags and tracked for the duration of their stay in and around Long Beach - Tofino area during both spring and fall migration. Individual shorebird tracking will be done using an array of automatic Motus ( tracking stations placed at several key locations. Project results will be used specifically to inform Parks Canada management decisions related to shorebird/beach conservation in the Long Beach Unit of PRNPR and in general for public and scientific communications related to migratory shorebird conservation and research.
Project contact: Mark Drever, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Researchers: Ann Nightingale, Rocky Point Bird Observatory
Anne Blondin
Dan Varland, Coastal Raptors
Daniel Portillo, Pronatura Noroeste
David Lumpkin, Audubon Canyon Ranch
Julian Garcia Walther, Pronatura Noroeste, A.C. / Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
Mark Drever, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Nick Docken, US Forest Service - Cordova Ranger District
Scott Flemming, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Sydney Bliss, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Vanessa Loverti, US Fish and Wildlife Service
wendy easton, Canadian Wildlife Service
Yuri Zharikov, Parks Canada
Receivers: 7 (table)
Tags: 786 (table)
Species: 619 Western Sandpiper
44 Sanderling
37 Semipalmated Plover
32 Dunlin
2 Marbled Godwit
1 Red Knot
Creation date: 2018-05-24 18:42:30 UTC
Data visible to the public: Mobile GPS data
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Private data: Landowner information
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