
Baltic Sea Motus Network (#223)
Short name: Baltic
Short description: Array of receivers on the Swedish and Finnish coast of the Baltic Sea. Coordinated by Ottenby Bird Observatory.
Description: Under development. The Baltic Sea is a barrier for migratory birds and bats breeding or passing through Scandinavia. In this project we are building a network of towers in Sweden and Finland, providing an infrastructure to study migration and movements. For birds, the focus has so far been on stopover ecology of Eurasian nightjars and yellow-browed warblers in autumn, but the system can be used for many other species. Another important part of the project is to study the migration of bats between Finland and Sweden.
Project contact: Magnus Hellström, Ottenby Bird Observatory
Researchers: Arne Andersson
Gabriel Norevik
Jonas Waldenström, Linnaeus University
Magnus Hellström, Ottenby Bird Observatory
Niclas Fritzén, Valsörarnas biologiska station
Susanne Akesson, Lund University
Receivers: 17 (table)
Tags: 257 (table)
Species: 78 Nathusius' Pipistrelle
60 Eurasian Nightjar
26 Yellow-browed Warbler
25 Jack Snipe
21 European Robin
14 Eurasian Blackbird
8 Montagu's Harrier
4 Common Chiffchaff
3 Parti-colored Bat
2 Northern Bat (Nilsson's Serotine)
1 Brandt's Bat
Creation date: 2018-09-18 15:28:50 UTC
Data visible to the public: Mobile GPS data
Project contact information
Project information
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Tag detections (daily summary)
Data visible to any primary investigator: Tag deployments (custom)
Private data: Landowner information
Receiver deployment (private)
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