Short name: | JamesBay |
Short description: | Multi-agency shorebird monitoring on the western coast of James Bay. |
Description: | Collaborative monitoring and research on shorebirds is being conducted by the Royal Ontario Museum, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Bird Studies Canada, Trent University, and the Canadian Wildlife Service and in conjunction with a larger conservation initiative involving James Bay First Nations and Nature Canada. Although the monitoring and research project will focus on shorebirds, the partner agencies will conduct related work on other migratory birds, other wildlife, and habitats on the James Bay coast.
Project Goals: -To improve indices of abundance that may be used to monitor trends in shorebird populations staging along the western James Bay coast; -To improve our understanding of spatial and temporal patterns of habitat/resource use and potential causes for their variation; -To improve identification of important shorebird staging habitats based on recent shorebird research and traditional ecological knowledge; -To recommend protection of habitat, and nomination of WHSRN site(s) for western James Bay if supported by the data and required; and -Further, to gain information on the migration and staging ecology of the Red Knot leading to protection of habitat from damage and destruction under the provincial Endangered Species Act. Annual Objectives: -Quantify use of known Red Knot foraging and roosting locations; -Use known staging area data to predict other staging areas along the James Bay coast and determine their use by shorebirds; -Estimate the numbers and monitor temporal patterns of southbound migration of all shorebird species, including phenology of adults and juveniles; -Identify and where possible delineate foraging areas and roosts used by staging shorebirds ; -Estimate annual variation in indices of abundance of staging shorebirds; -Determine habitat use by shorebirds at the project survey sites; and -Identify and record marked individuals (e.g., nanotags, leg flags and alphanumeric codes). |
Project contact: | Christian Friis, Environment and Climate Change Canada |
Researchers: | Alexandra Anderson Amie MacDonald, Birds Canada Ariel Lenske Christian Friis, Environment and Climate Change Canada Glen Brown, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Jamie McLaren Julia Put, Canadian Wildlife Service Kim Bennett, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Melanie Smith, National Audubon Society Pam Loring, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Paul Smith Ross Wood, Bird Studies Canada Sarah Neima Sjoerd Duijns |
Tags: | 782 (table) |
Species: | 246 Semipalmated Sandpiper 193 White-rumped Sandpiper 76 Semipalmated Plover 65 Least Sandpiper 65 Red Knot 54 Pectoral Sandpiper 26 Lesser Yellowlegs 22 Dunlin 4 Ruddy Turnstone 3 Short-billed Dowitcher 1 Hudsonian Godwit 1 Red-necked Phalarope 1 Sanderling 1 Wilson's Phalarope |
Creation date: | 2014-01-01 00:00:00 UTC |
Data visible to the public: | Mobile GPS data Project contact information Project information Receiver deployment data Receiver logs Tag deployments (basic) Tag deployments (detailed) Tag detections Tag detections (daily summary) Tags |
Data visible to any primary investigator: | Tag deployments (custom) |
Private data: | Landowner information Receiver deployment (private) |