
Panama Gateway (#6)
Short name: Panama
Short description: Four towers across the canal zone of Panama maintained for all to benefit by Panama Audubon and Bird Studies Canada.
Description: Four towers across the canal zone of Panama maintained by Panama Audubon and Bird Studies Canada in collaboration with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, The Canopy Tower and Canopy Tower Family, and City of Panama.
Project contact: Stuart Mackenzie, Birds Canada
Researchers: Ernest Carman, Proyecto Cerulea
Jay Wright, Metroparks Toledo
John Brzustowski
Stuart Mackenzie, Birds Canada
Receivers: 4 (table)
Creation date: 2016-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Data visible to the public: Project contact information
Project information
Receiver deployment data
Tag deployments (basic)
Tag deployments (detailed)
Tag detections
Tag detections (daily summary)
Data visible to any researcher: Mobile GPS data
Receiver logs
Tag deployments (custom)
Private data: Landowner information
Receiver deployment (private)
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