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[Nom du propriétaire des données]. 2019. [Nom de l'ensemble de données]. Données accessibles à partir du système de suivi de la faune Motus. Oiseaux Canada. Disponible: Consulté le: [Date].

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Oiseaux Canada. 2019. Système de suivi de la faune Motus. Port Rowan, Ontario. Disponible: Consulté le: [Date].

Recherche de publications présentant des données de Motus (par année, titre ou auteur):
Cliquez sur une référence pour obtenir plus d'information. Plus de titres et d'options de recherche sont disponibles à l'adresse groupe Zotero.

Klement, Diane June. “Using Emerging Technologies to Link Resource Use to Plant Communities for a Migratory Songbird, the Painted Bunting (Passerina Ciris).” University of Georgia, 2024.
Aikens, Marley. “Fall Migratory Behaviour and Cross-Seasonal Interactions in Semipalmated Plovers (Charadrius Semipalmatus) Breeding in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, Trent University, 2022.
Daulton, Dorothy Celeste. “USDA Wildlife Services Managements Efforts at the Grand Forks Wastewater Treatment Plant.” Master’s Thesis, University of North Dakota, 2024.
Beauchamp, Andrew T. “Ecological Drivers of Songbird Stopover Behaviour during Migration in Eastern New Brunswick.” PhD Thesis, Western University, 2024.
Fensore, Sarah. “Bank and Barn Swallow Movement and Roost Site Use Patterns in Eastern New Brunswick.” Master’s Thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2024.
Karwinkel, Thiemo, Michael Winklhofer, Dario Allenstein, Vera Brust, Paula Christoph, Richard A. Holland, Ommo Hüppop, Jan Steen, Franz Bairlein, and Heiko Schmaljohann. “A Refined Magnetic Pulse Treatment Method for Magnetic Navigation Experiments with Adequate Sham Control: A Case Study on Free-Flying Songbirds.” Journal of The Royal Society Interface 21, no. 214 (May 15, 2024): 20230745.
Lindsey, Gabriella A. “Habitat Use of Henslow’s Sparrows (Centronyx Henslowii) in Southern Ohio.” Bachelor of Science, Ohio University, 2024.
Sonnleitner, Jared. “Importance of Demographics and Vital Rates to Cavity-Nesting Waterfowl in the Lower Saint John River of New Brunswick, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2024.
Justen, Hannah C., Wendy E. Easton, and Kira E. Delmore. “Mapping Seasonal Migration in a Songbird Hybrid Zone -- Heritability, Genetic Correlations, and Genomic Patterns Linked to Speciation.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 18 (April 30, 2024): e2313442121.
McCarley Counce, Emma. “How Does the Creation of Temporary Wetland Habitat on Agricultural Fields in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Affect the Abundance of Migratory Shorebirds?” Master’s Thesis, The University of Mississippi, 2023.
Williams, H. M., E. E. DeLeon, and R. L. DeLeon. “Early Parental Nest Initiation Carries over to the Departure Date and Quality of Fledglings from the Breeding Grounds in the Purple Martin.” Journal of Ornithology 165, no. 3 (March 1, 2024): 579–90.
Jones, Todd, Nathan Cooper, Haley Haradon, Alicia Brunner, Bryant Dossman, Michael Ward, T. Scott Sillett, and Sara Kaiser. “Considerations for Radio-Transmitter Specifications on Songbirds: Color and Antenna Length Matter Too.” Journal of Field Ornithology 95, no. 1 (2024): art7.
Kerlin, Nick T. “Atlantic Flyway Review: Region III (Western Ridge) Fall 2015- The Arboretum at Penn State.” North American Bird Bander 41, no. 4 (2016).
Blondin, Anne L. “Length of Stay and Habitat Use of Shorebirds at Two Migratory Stopover Sites in British Columbia, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, Trent University, 2024.
Mitchell, Lucy, Vera Brust, Thiemo Karwinkel, Susanne Åkesson, Dmitry Kishkinev, Gabriel Norevik, Tibor Szep, et al. “Scanning the Skies for Migrants: Conservation-Focused Opportunities for a Pan-European Automated Telemetry Network,” July 18, 2024.
Blondin, Anne L. “Length of Stay and Habitat Use of Shorebirds at Two Migratory Stopover Sites in British Columbia, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, Trent University, 2024.
Hayes, Sue, Brendan Boyd, and Bridget Stutchbury. “Why Do Juvenile Wood Thrushes Make Long-Distance Pre-Migratory Movements across a Fragmented Landscape?” Journal of Field Ornithology 95, no. 2 (2024): art9.
Neima, Sarah G., Rebeca C. Linhart, Diana J. Hamilton, Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor, and Julie Paquet. “Length of Stay and Departure Strategies of Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris Pusilla) during Post-Breeding Migration in the Upper Bay of Fundy, Canada.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10 (September 2, 2022): 897197.
Erhardt, Stefan, Martin Koch, Andreas Kiefer, Michael Veith, Robert Weigel, and Alexander Koelpin. “Mobile-BAT—A Novel Ultra-Low Power Wildlife Tracking System.” Sensors 23, no. 11 (May 31, 2023): 5236.
Craik, Shawn R, Amélie Doucet, Mathieu Manuel, Chloé Roy, Taylor M Brown, Emilie J Knighton, Dave Shutler, et al. “Irruptive Fall Migrations Are Linked to Elevated Breeding Abundance but Are Not Associated with Body Condition or Stopover Duration in Northern Saw-Whet Owls.” Ornithology, December 8, 2023, ukad057.
Poirier, Vanessa, Kyle H. Elliott, and Barbara Frei. “Peri-Urban Forest Margins Are Important Stopover Sites for Moult-Migrating Songbirds.” Journal for Nature Conservation 77 (January 1, 2024): 126539.
Deakin, Jessica E. “Differential Migration Timing and the Form and Function of Avian Wings,” 2023.
Nemes, Claire E., Peter P. Marra, Theodore J. Zenzal Jr, Samantha A. Collins, Bryant C. Dossman, Alexander R. Gerson, Camila Gómez, et al. “Springing Forward: Migrating Songbirds Catch up with the Start of Spring in North America.” Journal of Animal Ecology n/a, no. n/a (November 16, 2023).
Rhyne, Garrett. “Rangewide Migratory Connectivity and Migration Ecology in Swainson’s Warblers (Limnothlypis Swainsonii) Derived from Multisensor Geolocators,” 2023.
Lefevre, Kara L., Elizabeth Forys, Adam DiNuovo, and Adam D. Smith. “Insights from Attempts to Track Movement of Black Skimmer (<em>Rynchops Niger</Em>) Fledglings in the Southern Gulf of Mexico with Automated Telemetry and Band Resighting.” Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 36 (October 3, 2023): 107–13.
Poirier, Vanessa, Barbara Frei, Mathilde Lefvert, Ana Morales, and Kyle Hamish Elliott. “Moult Migrant Tennessee Warblers Undergo Extensive Stopover in Peri-Urban Forests of Southern Quebec.” Canadian Journal of Zoology, October 19, 2023.
Hayes, Sue M, Brendan P Boyd, Alexandra M Israel, and Bridget J M Stutchbury. “Natal Forest Fragment Size Does Not Predict Fledgling, Pre-Migration or Apparent Annual Survival in Wood Thrushes.” Ornithological Applications, October 13, 2023, duad054.
Tsuru, Brian Robert. “Post-Breeding Ecology in the Prothonotary Warbler: Evaluating Trade-Offs between Breeding, Molt, and Migration Phenology.” The Ohio State University, 2023.
Thompson, Stephanie. “Migratory Behaviour of Eastern Whip-Poor-Wills (Antrostomus Vociferus): Quantifying Return Rates and the Effects of Artificial Light on Flight Paths.” Master of Science, University of Manitoba, 2023.
Kolowski, Joseph M., Caylen Wolfer, Megan McDaniels, Alan Williams, and J. Berton C. Harris. “High-Resolution GPS Tracking of American Kestrels Reveals Breeding and Post-Breeding Ranging Behavior in Northern Virginia, USA.” Journal of Raptor Research, August 16, 2023.
American, North, Bird Bander, Tania Romero, Lauren Hill, Jayde Blair, Walter Sakai, and C. Ralph. “Avian Monitoring Results for Two Years of Study at a Newly Recognized Spring Migration Concentration Point in the Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County, California.” North American Bird Bander 48, no. Jan-Mar (June 21, 2023): 9–18.
Lagerveld, Sander, and Kees Mostert. “Are Offshore Wind Farms in the Netherlands a Potential Threat for Coastal Populations of Noctule?” Lutra 66, no. 1 (2023): 39–53.
Doiron, Parker. “Differences in Use of Northumberland Strait Habitat and Fattening Rates among Migratory Shorebird Species.” Undergraduate Thesis, Mount Allison University, 2021.
Mackellar, Hannah. “The Foraging Habits and Fatterning Rates of Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris Pusilla) and Semipalmated Plovers (Charadrius Semipalmatus) on the Acadian Peninsula.” Undergraduate Thesis, Mount Allison University, 2018.
Linhart, Rebeca C., Diana J. Hamilton, Julie Paquet, Sara C. Bellefontaine, Siena Davis, Parker B. Doiron, and Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor. “Variation in Resource Use between Adult and Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris Pusilla) and Use of Physiological Indicators for Movement Decisions Highlights the Importance of Small Staging Sites during Southbound Migration in Atlantic Canada.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10 (December 22, 2022): 1059005.
Elizondo, Elisa Constancia. “Clapper Rail Demography and Population Genomics.” PhD Thesis, University of Delaware, 2023.
Savides, Kim, and Clark S Rushing. “Elevational Differences in Migration Phenology of Lazuli Buntings Do Not Support Selection-Based Hypotheses for Protandry.” Ornithology, June 22, 2023, ukad030.
Buchanan-Fraser, Christian M.M. “Post-Breeding Survival of Adult and Hatch-Year Bank Swallows (Riparia Riparia) in the Great Lakes Region: A Radio Telemetry Study.” Master’s Thesis, The University of Western Ontario, 2023.
Korpach, Alicia M. “The Influence of Natural and Artificial Light on the Migratory Patterns of an Obligate Nocturnal Bird.” PhD Thesis, University of Manitoba, 2023.
Cooper, Nathan W., Bryant C. Dossman, Lucas E. Berrigan, J. Morgan Brown, Dominic A. Cormier, Camille Bégin-Marchand, Amanda D. Rodewald, Philip D. Taylor, Junior A. Tremblay, and Peter P. Marra. “Atmospheric Pressure Predicts Probability of Departure for Migratory Songbirds.” Movement Ecology 11, no. 1 (May 1, 2023): 23.
Smith, Adam D., Felicia J. Sanders, Kara L. Lefevre, Janet M. Thibault, Kevin S. Kalasz, Maina C. Handmaker, Fletcher M. Smith, and Tim S. Keyes. “Spring Migration Patterns of Red Knots in the Southeast United States Disentangled Using Automated Telemetry.” Scientific Reports 13, no. 1 (July 10, 2023): 11138.
Sanders, Felicia, Adam Smith, Janet Thibault, Deborah Carter, Maina Handmaker, and Fletcher Smith. “South Atlantic Bight – a Final Stop for Ruddy Turnstones Migrating to the Arctic.” Journal of Field Ornithology 94, no. 2 (2023): art5.
Boyd, Brendan P, Sue Hayes, Alexandra M Israel, and Bridget J M Stutchbury. “Breeding Season Forest Fragment Size Does Not Create Negative Carry-over for Adult Wood Thrushes on Fall Migration Timing or Apparent Annual Survival.” Ornithological Applications, July 14, 2023, duad028.
Rüppel, Georg, Ommo Hüppop, Heiko Schmaljohann, and Vera Brust. “The Urge to Breed Early: Similar Responses to Environmental Conditions in Short- and Long-Distance Migrants during Spring Migration.” Ecology and Evolution 13, no. 7 (July 4, 2023): e10223.
Rodriguez, Mario. “Relationship between Bats and Prairie-Dog (Cynomys Ludovicianus) Colonies in Western Kansas.” Master’s Thesis, Fort Hayes State University, 2023.
Nemes, Claire E. “Moving the Goalposts: Migratory Birds in a Changing World.” Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland, 2023.
True, Michael C., Katherine M. Gorman, Hila Taylor, Richard J. Reynolds, and W. Mark Ford. “Fall Migration, Oceanic Movement, and Site Residency Patterns of Eastern Red Bats (Lasiurus Borealis) on the Mid-Atlantic Coast.” Movement Ecology 11, no. 1 (June 14, 2023): 35.
Rokitnicki, Patricia. “Age and Sex Differences in Stopover Behaviours and Flight Performance in Black-Throated Blue Warblers.” Master of Science, Western University, 2023.
Bednarz, James C., and Jean-François Therrien. “The Full Annual Cycle of the American Kestrel: State of the Knowledge, Information Gaps, and Conservation Needs.” Journal of Raptor Research 57, no. 2 (May 30, 2023): 125–30.
Willmott, J. Robinson, G. Forcey, and M. Vukovich. “New Insights into the Influence of Turbines on the Behaviour of Migrant Birds: Implications for Predicting Impacts of Offshore Wind Developments on Wildlife.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2507, no. 1 (2023): 012006.
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