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[Nom du propriétaire des données]. 2019. [Nom de l'ensemble de données]. Données accessibles à partir du système de suivi de la faune Motus. Oiseaux Canada. Disponible: Consulté le: [Date].

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Ring, Megan M, Rose J. Swift, Michael J. Anteau, Lawrence D. Igl, Mark E. Seamans, Scott G. Somershoe, Jay A. VonBank, John M. Yeiser, and Garrett J. MacDonald. “Developing Research Tools for Demographic Study of Rhynchophanes Mccownii (Thick-Billed Longspurs).” United States Geological Survey, 2025.
Accessed February 12, 2025.
Geldart, Erica A. “Movement Patterns of Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris Pusilla) and Semipalmated Plovers (Charadrius Semipalmatus) within Eastern New Brunswick.” Undergraduate Thesis, Mount Allison University, 2018.
Blondin, Anne L., Mark C. Drever, Scott A. Flemming, Wendy E. Easton, Mark Maftei, Yuri Zharikov, Nils Warnock, and Erica Nol. “Lengths of Stay and Stopover Strategies of Western Sandpipers During Migration at Two Sites in British Columbia, Canada.” Ecology and Evolution 15, no. 1 (January 2025): e70739.
Gamble, Michael. “Application of Automated Radio Telemetry to Explore Space Use of Golden-Cheeked Warblers (Setophaga Chrysoparia).” Master of Science, Louisiana State University, 2024.
Van Osta, John M., Brad Dreis, Laura F. Grogan, and J. Guy Castley. “A Location Fingerprinting Approach for the Automated Radio Telemetry of Wildlife and Comparison to Alternative Methods.” Animal Biotelemetry 12, no. 1 (July 27, 2024): 24.
Turner, Shae. “The Role of Prealternate Moult in Nonbreeding Period Carry-over Effects in Neotropical Migratory Songbirds.” Master of Science, Thompson Rivers University, 2024.
Bliss, Sydney, Marty Leonard, Zoe Crysler, and Phil Taylor. “Migratory Behaviour of Ipswich Sparrows during Spring.” Canadian Journal of Zoology 102, no. 10 (October 1, 2024): 788–97.
Granger, Lauren. “The Effects of Supplementary Bird Feeding on Space Use of Backyard Birds in San Antonio, Texas.” Master of Science, University of Texas at San Antonio, 2024.
Maillet, Olivia R. “Antipredator Nest-Defense Behaviour and Post-Breeding Migration of Two Poorly Understood Subarctic Breeding Shorebirds, the Short-Billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus Griseus Hendersoni) and the Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris Himantopus).” Master of Science, Trent University, 2024.
Dossman, Bryant C, Emily Filiberti, Amber M Roth, and Peter P Marra. “Beyond Tracking: Advancing Animal Ecology through the Longitudinal Sampling of Individuals.” Ornithology, October 16, 2024, ukae043.
Bracey, Annie, Fred Strand, Alexis Grinde, Francesca Cuthbert, Ann E. McKellar, David Moore, Elizabeth Craig, and Simeon Lisovski. “Stopover Regions, Phenology, and Spatiotemporal Group Dynamics of Adult and Juvenile Common Terns Sterna Hirundo from Inland Lakes in North America.” Journal of Avian Biology, November 20, 2024, e03308.
Gillies, Daniel, Pamela Loring, Nathan Holcomb, David Ilogho, William Dronen, Zhiqun Daniel Deng, Brett Betsill, Beau Backus, Stuart Mackenzie, and Thorsten Von Eicken. “Integration of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System to the NOAA GOES Data Collection System for Offshore Wildlife Telemetry Applications.” In OCEANS 2024 - Halifax, 1–6. Halifax, NS, Canada: IEEE, 2024.
Williamson, Brian A., Amanda L. Lyons, and Lisa M. Ferguson. “Conservation Implications of Habitat Selection by Nesting Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys Terrapin) Investigated via an Automated Radio Telemetry System.” Animal Biotelemetry 12, no. 1 (November 26, 2024): 35.
Lagerveld, Sander, Pepijn De Vries, Jane Harris, Sue Parsons, Elisabeth Debusschere, Ommo Hüppop, Vera Brust, and Heiko Schmaljohann. “Migratory Movements of Bats Are Shaped by Barrier Effects, Sex-Biased Timing and the Adaptive Use of Winds.” Movement Ecology 12, no. 1 (December 18, 2024): 81.
Walker, Jacob, Camille Bégin-Marchand, Alexandre Terrigeol, Jean-François Therrien, Pascal Côté, Levi Burford, Carol R Foss, and Junior A. Tremblay. “Euphagus Carolinus (Rusty Blackbird) from Two Different Breeding Populations in Northeastern North America Exhibit Chain Migration yet Use the Same Region for Stopover.” Ornithological Applications 127 (2024).
Brenner, Stephen J., and Joel G. Jorgensen. “Migration Ecology of Harris’s Sparrow in Nebraska: 2024 Report,” 2024.
Gilbert, A, E. M. Adams, H. F. Goyert, J Gulka, P. H. Loring, J. E. F. Stepanuk, and K. A. Williams. “User Documentation for the Stochastic Collision Risk Assessment for Movement (SCRAM 2),” 2024.
Walker, Jacob, Camille Bégin-Marchand, Alexandre Terrigeol, Jean-François Therrien, Pascal Côté, Levi Burford, Carol R Foss, and Junior A Tremblay. “Euphagus Carolinus (Rusty Blackbird) from Two Different Breeding Populations in Northeastern North America Exhibit Chain Migration yet Use the Same Region for Stopover.” Ornithological Applications, December 21, 2024, duae066.
Carlyon, Ellen. “Spatiotemporal Patterns of Invasive Mammals in a Wetland Environment: Trialling an Automated Radio Telemetry System to Track Rattus Spp.” Victoria Univeristy of Wellington, 2024.
Adams, Carrie Ann, Monika A. Tomaszewska, Geoffrey M. Henebry, and Kyle G. Horton. “Chasing and Surfing Seasonal Waves: Avian Migration through the US Tracks Land Surface Phenology in Fall, but Not Spring.” Journal of Animal Ecology 93, no. 7 (May 13, 2024): 836–48.
Van Mastrigt, Tjomme, Kevin D. Matson, Sander Lagerveld, Xinrou S. Huang, Willem F. De Boer, and Henk P. Van Der Jeugd. “Effects of Immune Status on Stopover Departure Decisions Are Subordinate to Those of Condition, Cloud Cover and Tailwind in Autumn‐migrating Common Blackbirds Turdus Merula.” Journal of Avian Biology, December 12, 2024, e03368.
Müller, Mara F., Cameron J. Baker, Sam C. Banks, Mariana A. Campbell, Tara L. Crewe, Mirjam Kaestli, Sydney J. Collett, Ian J. Radford, and Hamish A. Campbell. “Genetic Relatedness Shapes Social Dynamics in a Threatened Finch: Implications for Population Assessment.” Animal Behaviour 219 (January 2025): 123035.
Korpach, Alicia M, Christina M Davy, Alex M Mills, and Kevin C Fraser. “Lunar Synchrony, Geography, and Individual Clocks Shape Autumn Migration Timing in an Avian Migrant.” Edited by Diego Gil. Behavioral Ecology 35, no. 2 (March 1, 2024): arae001.
Byrd, Allison J., Katherine M. Talbott, Tara M. Smiley, Taylor B. Verrett, Michael S. Gross, Michelle L. Hladik, Ellen D. Ketterson, and Daniel J. Becker. “Determinants of Spring Migration Departure Dates in a New World Sparrow: Weather Variables Reign Supreme.” Ecology and Evolution 14, no. 2 (February 22, 2024): e10874.
Stenzel, Candace, Allie Anderson, and Autumn-Lynn Harrison. “Using Shorebird Tracking Data to Support a Risk Assessment Related to Offshore Wind Development in Atlantic Canada.” Shorebird Science & Conservation Collective, March 2024.
Kennerley, William L., Lisa T. Ballance, Rachael A. Orben, Leigh G. Torres, and Donald I. Solick. “First Visual Record of a Hoary Bat (Lasiurus Cinereus) over the Open Ocean.” Journal of North American Bat Research Notes 2, no. 2 (2024).
Rueda‐Uribe, Cristina, Alyssa J. Sargent, María Ángela Echeverry‐Galvis, Pedro A. Camargo‐Martínez, Isabella Capellini, Lesley T. Lancaster, Alejandro Rico‐Guevara, and Justin M. J. Travis. “Tracking Small Animals in Complex Landscapes: A Comparison of Localisation Workflows for Automated Radio Telemetry Systems.” Ecology and Evolution 14, no. 10 (October 10, 2024): e70405.
Filiberti, Emily. “Spatial and Demographic Variations in Apparent Annual Survival of Golden-Winged Warblers: A Range-Wide Investigation.” The University of Maine, 2024.
Cremer, Chad A. “Understanding the Spring Migration Ecology of Sora and Virginia Rail in Central Illinois: A Study Utilizing Automated Telemetry.” University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2024.
Osta, John M. van, Brad Dreis, Laura F. Grogan, and J. Guy Castley. “A Location Fingerprinting Approach for the Automated Radio Telemetry of Wildlife and Comparison to Alternative Methods.” Animal Biotelemetry 12, no. 1 (July 27, 2024): 24.
Lagerveld, Sander, Pepijn de Vries, Bart Noort, Karina Stienstra, Cor Sonneveld, Tamara Vallina, Martijn Keur, and Josien Steenbergen. “Coastal and Offshore Movements of Nathusius’ Pipistrelle during Autumn Migration.” Wageningen University & Research, May 2024.
Hayes, Susan Mary. “Pre-Migration Behaviour and Survival of Juvenile Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla Mustelina) in a Fragmented Forest Landscape,” March 16, 2024.
Leung, Kianna, and Erica A. Geldart. “Motus as a Tool for Offshore Wind Assessment and Monitoring: A Knowledge Review,” July 2024.
Simard-Provençal, Samuelle. “Examining Environmental and Life History Correlates of Winter and Migratory Movements in a Nomadic Arctic-Breeding Passerine.” Master’s Thesis, University of Windsor, 2024.
Korpi, Zoe Olivia. “Lake-Crossing Behavior of Migratory Songbirds: Assessing Potential Collision Risk with Offshore Wind on Lake Erie.” Ohio State University, 2024.
Turner, Shae. “The Role of Prealternate Moult in Nonbreeding Period Carry-over Effects in Neotropical Migratory Songbirds.” Master of Science, University of the Fraser Valley, 2024.
IUCN/SSC Galliformes Specialist Group. “Grouse News, Issues 61-67 (2021-2024).” Gaillformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters, January 1, 2021.
Klement, Diane June. “Using Emerging Technologies to Link Resource Use to Plant Communities for a Migratory Songbird, the Painted Bunting (Passerina Ciris).” Master of Science, University of Georgia, 2024.
Aikens, Marley. “Fall Migratory Behaviour and Cross-Seasonal Interactions in Semipalmated Plovers (Charadrius Semipalmatus) Breeding in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, Trent University, 2022.
Daulton, Dorothy Celeste. “USDA Wildlife Services Managements Efforts at the Grand Forks Wastewater Treatment Plant.” Master’s Thesis, University of North Dakota, 2024.
Beauchamp, Andrew T. “Ecological Drivers of Songbird Stopover Behaviour during Migration in Eastern New Brunswick.” PhD Thesis, Western University, 2024.
Fensore, Sarah. “Bank and Barn Swallow Movement and Roost Site Use Patterns in Eastern New Brunswick.” Master’s Thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2024.
Karwinkel, Thiemo, Michael Winklhofer, Dario Allenstein, Vera Brust, Paula Christoph, Richard A. Holland, Ommo Hüppop, Jan Steen, Franz Bairlein, and Heiko Schmaljohann. “A Refined Magnetic Pulse Treatment Method for Magnetic Navigation Experiments with Adequate Sham Control: A Case Study on Free-Flying Songbirds.” Journal of The Royal Society Interface 21, no. 214 (May 15, 2024): 20230745.
Lindsey, Gabriella A. “Habitat Use of Henslow’s Sparrows (Centronyx Henslowii) in Southern Ohio.” Bachelor of Science, Ohio University, 2024.
Sonnleitner, Jared. “Importance of Demographics and Vital Rates to Cavity-Nesting Waterfowl in the Lower Saint John River of New Brunswick, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2024.
Justen, Hannah C., Wendy E. Easton, and Kira E. Delmore. “Mapping Seasonal Migration in a Songbird Hybrid Zone -- Heritability, Genetic Correlations, and Genomic Patterns Linked to Speciation.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 18 (April 30, 2024): e2313442121.
McCarley Counce, Emma. “How Does the Creation of Temporary Wetland Habitat on Agricultural Fields in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Affect the Abundance of Migratory Shorebirds?” Master’s Thesis, The University of Mississippi, 2023.
Williams, H. M., E. E. DeLeon, and R. L. DeLeon. “Early Parental Nest Initiation Carries over to the Departure Date and Quality of Fledglings from the Breeding Grounds in the Purple Martin.” Journal of Ornithology 165, no. 3 (March 1, 2024): 579–90.
Jones, Todd, Nathan Cooper, Haley Haradon, Alicia Brunner, Bryant Dossman, Michael Ward, T. Scott Sillett, and Sara Kaiser. “Considerations for Radio-Transmitter Specifications on Songbirds: Color and Antenna Length Matter Too.” Journal of Field Ornithology 95, no. 1 (March 2024): art7.
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