Motus Birds Canada
Canada Warbler
Migration Education Presentation

What is migration? Why do we track bird movements? Students get ‘minds-on’ birds with the basics of migration and tracking science through this interactive, student-led presentation.

Migration Education Presentation
Presentation (4.3 MB)

Migration Education Script
Script (0.5 MB)
Yellow Warbler
Virtual Field Trip: Long Point Bird Observatory

Visit the Long Point Bird Observatory in Ontario, Canada from your classroom! Students will connect with biologists at the LPBO field station to explore the wonders of migration, observe banding of wild birds and learn about tracking science for conservation!
Seasonal availability: April 15 – June 15
August 15- November 15
Times: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm ET
Length: 45 – 60 minutes
Book program date:

Case Studies
Case Studies

Become a species expert by exploring a Motus research project and the process of tracking birds for science and conservation. Choose a species of interest and work through the Case Study as a class, or break into smaller Case Study groups and compare the migratory strategies of different species.

Red Knot
Red Knot

Semipalmated Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper

Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow

Swainson's Thrush
Swainson’s Thrush (Migration Ecology)

Swainson's Thrush
Swainson’s Thrush (Migration Genetics)

Canada Warbler
Canada Warbler

Baird’s Sparrow

Flock of Dunlin
Fraser River Delta, BC


Bécasseau maubèche
Bécasseau maubèche

Bécasseau semipalmé
Bécasseau semipalmé

Hirondelle rustique
Hirondelle rustique

Grive à dos olive (Écologie des migrations)
Grive à dos olive (Écologie des migrations)


Playero ártico
Playero ártico

Playero semipalmado
Playero semipalmado

Golondrina bermeja
Golondrina bermeja

Zorzal de Swainson (Ecología de la migración)
Zorzal de Swainson (Ecología de la migración)
Receiver Map
Explore Motus

Navigate the Motus Wildlife Tracking System to explore a diversity of research projects and bird tracks as they journey across the landscape!

Explore Motus
Explore Motus (1.3 MB)

Find a tag
Find a tag

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Data Analysis
Explore Data Science

Coming soon!

Thank you to our generous funders for supporting the development of Motus Education:
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Phone:1-888-448-2473, ext. 162 Fax: 1-519-586-3532 E-mail: